Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

gua pernah nemu puisi yang cukup bagus,,,

don't wait for a smile, to be nice...
don't wait to be loved, to loved..
don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of friend...
don't wait to have a lot, to share a bit...
don't wait to have a time, to be able to serve...
don't wait for pain, to believe in prayer...

don't wait...
because you don't know how long it will takes...

2 komentar:

Naybemb mengatakan...

Nice blog! ;p
Anyway les, got a pretty good one, I already posted it in my blog (tapi alamatnya rahasiaaa...hehe..) Kinda realistic actually ;p

Hold on to faith;
It is the source of believing that all things are possible.
It is the fiber and strength of a confident soul.

Hold on to hope;
It banishes doubt and enables
Attitudes to be positive and cheerful.

Hold on to trust;
It is at the core of fruitful relationships
That are secure and content.

Hold on to love;
It is life's greatest gift of all,
For it shares, cares, and gives meaning to life.

Hold on to family and friends;
They are the most important people in your life,
And they make the world a better place.
They are your roots and the beginnings that you grew from;
They are the vine that has grown through time to nourish you,
Help you on your way, and always remain close by.

Hold on to all that you are; and all that you have learned,
For these things are what make you unique.
Don't ignore what you feel and what you believe is right and important;
Your heart has a way of speaking louder than your mind.

Hold on to your dreams;
Achieve them diligently and honestly.
Never take the easy way or surrender to deceit.
Remember others on your way and take time to care for their needs.
Enjoy the beauty around you.
Have the courage to see things differently and clearly.
Make the world a better place one day at a time,
And don't let go of the important things that give meaning to your life.


Anindita mengatakan...

Hai charlieeee...katanya bagus banget...jadi inget kata2 Pak TriYus dikelas MKE...
dia pernah nanya "abis lulus kamu mau ngapain?"
anak2 ada yang jawab kerja, ada yang jawab buka usaha, ada yang jawab ngambil S2...
trus beliau bilang "trus buat apa ngambil S2?"
Anak2:"biar kalo kerja gajinya lebih besar"
P'TriYus:"kalo udah punya banyak uang mau ngapain?"
Anak2:"mau punya rumah, nikah dan punya anak"(jawaban yang lucu, haha...)
P'TriYus:"kalo udah nikah mau ngapain?"
Anak2:"mau bahagia"
P'TriYus:"kalo mau bahagia ga usah nunggu nanti, sekarang juga harusnya kalian sudah merasa bahagia, karena bahagia itu dari dalam hati, ga tergantung oleh rumah maupun pekerjaan"

Jadi begitu charlie ^_^